Fernandes - Fuelsion Ltd

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Manuel Fernandes
Mr Fernandes is the Iberian Peninsula Market Non-Executive Director at Fuelsion Ltd. He was born, raised and educated in Portugal. In 1987-present, was the founder and president of “Clube de Natacão de Vila Real”. 1994-96, concluded “Engenharia Electrotécnica” degree at “University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro” (UTAD). 1999-2009, he as the Director and treasurer of “Associação Comercial de Vila Real”. 2002-14, he was the vice-president of “Centro de Inovação de Trás-os-Montes e Alto” (CITMAD) and Sport Clube de Vila Real (SCV). 2003-05, he was the co-founder and general manager of “Dentalvão Lda”. 2008-11, attended the Masters in “Empreendedorismo e Inovação” at “Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto” (FEUP) and Masters in “Empreendedorismo” at UTAD. 2008-present, he is the founder and director of Glegoo Lda. 2010-present, he is the co-founder and general manager of Alpalina Lda, participating of many national and international fairs. In 2014-present, he initiated the internationalization process of Alpalina Lda. In 2017-21, he invested in Brambilla & Serodio Ltd supporting the company by conducting market research of the Iberian Peninsula and Brazilian markets. In February 2024, he was nominated as the Iberian Peninsula Market Non-Executive Director of Fuelsion Ltd.
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